Questions & Answers

We have collected and prepared the most frequently asked questions. If the question you are looking for is not included, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • All skilled workers who have a certificate of citizenship from the respective project location can apply.

  • Fill out the application form of the project site where you are located.

  • The language course lasts 8-9 months.

    • Employment exclusively in a German hospital
    • administrative and financial support
    • RE-ALIS offers:
      • Full-time language course
      • Books and all course materials
      • Preparation and translation of all necessary documents
      • Travel planning to Germany
    • RE-ALIS will apply for the visa at the German embassy
  • You will only work in German hospitals.

  • Your salary is between €1800-2800 net, depending on the hospital and specialty

    • You are obliged to attend the German course full-time
    • You are obliged to quit your current job at the time the course starts (if you are employed)
    • Leaving the course/interrupting the language course obliges you to repay the costs up to this point
    • With the beginning of the employment relationship with the German hospital, you have to pay back 50% of the training and departure costs to the hospital for a period of 24 months, between 120€ and 160€/month
  • You will be supported by RE-ALIS throughout the entire process.

    • No, all costs are named beforehand
    • RE-ALIS is financed solely by an agency fee paid by the recruiting hospital
    • Your obligations relate to the project contract