Fair Recruitment for Nursing in Germany

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The initiative Fair Recruitment for Nursing in Germany advocates for ethical and transparent recruitment of international nursing professionals. To this end, we have developed a declaration for ethically responsible recruitment.

A state-funded quality seal

Fair Recruitment for Nursing in Germany is an initiative initiated and state-funded by the Federal Ministry of Health in Germany (BMG). This quality seal recognizes employers and recruitment agencies committed to ethical, fair, and transparent recruitment of international nursing professionals.

The seal of approval guarantees that care workers do not bear any costs for recruitment and that they can work without discrimination and on an equal footing. Through these standards, we jointly promote fair integration and at the same time ensure quality in the care sector.

For further information, we offer the brochure on labor migration in the German nursing sector for download in various languages.


Anonymous complaint form

As part of the initiative, we at RE-ALIS place great importance on transparency and fairness. However, if you notice violations of the initiative's standards or deficiencies in recruitment or integration, you have the opportunity to report them anonymously.

The anonymous complaint form allows you to submit your concerns securely and confidentially. We take every report seriously, contact the affected and involved institutions, and work together to find a solution.

Contact person: Annika Wahl 
Maximum processing time: 3 weeks

Notice in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act:
This form complies with the requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Act (§ 1 HinSchG), which ensures the protection of persons who report violations. Further information can be found here.

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