The first projects were successfully implemented in 2019 and 2020 by RE-ALIS as a project team at a German hospital. Since then we have been working continuously to make more such projects possible for nursing staff from abroad and German hospitals.
Simon Jäger
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Nurse BA, nursing manager MA
At RE-ALIS he is responsible for the management
Asllan Ruko
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Nurse BA and professional MA
At RE-ALIS he is responsible for contacting applicants
Aurel Zyka
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Nurse BA and professional MA
At RE-ALIS he is responsible for contacting applicants
Annika Wahl
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Bei RE-ALIS assistiert sie mit administrativen und organisatorischen Aufgaben
Cooperation instead of delegation : The project was conceived from the point of view of a hospital in order to coordinate the demands of the specialists and those of the facilities. RE-ALIS sees itself as a project partner and carries out recruitment and language training projects in cooperation with the institutions. By involving the institutions, we build trust among all stakeholders.
We at RE-ALIS are nursing professionals ourselves and know the importance of good nursing care. That is why we rely on above-average language training through full-time language classes. Optimally coordinated processes create clarity from the job interview to recognition and entry into Germany.